The indifference of the digital realm has lead to a proliferation of
apathy or disregard to consequence. With little repercussions to
the whole or to the remnants of the whole; a blob cut and reformed
is a new blob, not two; but a baby cut in two is no longer indi fferent
but a travesty. That inability for the digital realm to understand the
repercussions of such an act is what creates a point of corruption.
Slicing and cutting is a primal urge to search, tear and find meat;
finding the tender parts of a mass, separation of a physical object,
or a portion of a physical object, into two or more portions. In the
digital we are no longer forced to slice through all the layers to
reach center, center is a whole in itself, isolated from the surrounding
layers. The digital removes the brutality of the act, but allows us
to expand on its e ffects, blurring the aesthetics of brutality. Scarring,
healing, scabbing, is no longer associated with digital cutting,
it is no longer a way of seeing the act, it becomes an act of exuberance
ornamentation, removing the act from its aggression. Leonardo
DaVinci discovered that through drawing and was able to
convey ideas before unheard of, prioritizing certain cuts, levels and
layers of the mass, creating a new method of exposure and revealing.
This project strives to bring the indi fference of the digital brutality,
slicing to locally reveal, globally conceal, and break mass. Keeping
a sense of the whole together. Bringing attention to the brutal act
of non-form, adhering mass cutting, using the idea or memory of
brutality, in order to corrupt the whole reading of the mass.
meet meat
captured meat side
captured meat back
captured meat side
inside meat
outside meat
cutting board interior
inside cut meat
inside cut meat
inside cut meat
inside cut meat
facade of captured meat
angled captured meat
biopsy chunk
meat interior slice
meat interior slice
click to watch
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